SHPE National History

The Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE) was founded in Los Angeles, California, in 1974 by a group of engineers employed by the city of Los Angeles. Their objective was to form a national organization of professional engineers to serve as role models in the Hispanic community. The concept of networking was the key basis for the organization. SHPE quickly established two student chapters to begin the network that would grow to encompass the nation as well as reach countries outside the United States. Today, SHPE enjoys a strong but independent network of professional and student chapters throughout the nation.

SHPE Austin History

Founded 1982, over the past 38 years, SHPE Austin has expanded its initial efforts of providing networking and professional development opportunities in the area to include support for the local Hispanic community to obtain degrees in STEM fields. Although we work with students as young as elementary school through STEM enrichment projects, our biggest contribution to this goal has been our annual SHPE Austin Scholarship Program. Since 1994, we have been able to grant at least $3,000 annually in scholarships to high school graduates and college students in the Austin area pursuing degrees in a STEM field.

However, our impact does not stop once a student graduates. Our organization provides multiple opportunities for our professional membership to expand their skill set. Whether we present on a soft skill topic (such as how to negotiate a salary or earn an MBA to advance your career) or a more field-specific topic (such as transitioning from a technical role to a managerial role), SHPE Austin prides itself on developing quality professionals in the workforce. In addition, we host several networking events for Hispanic professionals to become connected with other individuals in varying industries. This allows us to create a welcoming environment to recruit more members who are passionate about our vision.